The Pink Palace

Friday, October 27, 2006

The first post from the Pink Palace

Wow! Well, here you are. Now you will know everything that is going on at the Pink Palace (aka Kerry Creek).

Currently we are watching Dennis Miller be Politically Incorrect. We've had a long night. Let's begin:

The toilet began to act up last night. What is it with these toilet problems?! They seem to follow us around.

We (James) went to Home Depot (our second home) and bought the toilet rogue or something like that. He took the toilet of and shoved that bad boy down the nasty hole. Nothing came out. He replaced the gross seal on the floor and started to move the toilet back and there he realized the problem. You know it!! Digustingness! He cleaned all the disgustingness out and WAH-LA! Toilet is back to working order.

It wasn't quite that simple, but you get the jist. It's been quite a night. Tomorrow James has to go to school with me for the Fall Festival. I have signed up for an hour of fun at the Bouncy! Yay.

I will be posting pictures soon.


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